I don’t know what they’re limited to, but I heard a couple of nude sources. Scott Scott’s nude sources revealed the truth of what’s going on in the UK and the EU. To prepare for the impending apocalypse they have started to prepare by food prepping, diversifying the portfolio, and giving out as usual in […]

What are you going to do when the lights go out? Scott Last episode Scott and Zelda talked about Bitcoin. Since they last spoke to their adoring fans, there has been some more information and revelations concerning crypto and blockchain. Who is Elon Musk? How does he have the power to move the crypto market? […]

Here’s six hundred bucks! Good luck. Have fun. Zelda What is Bitcoin anyway? No one knows but it’s going up. Scott and Zelda delve into the financial consequences, or lack of consequences, during this pandemic. Talk about the ‘big distraction’. What has stood the test of time? Gold and silver. There is something fishy about […]